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Exploring TMS Therapy at Live Well Psychiatry: Pros and Cons

Woman smiling while TMS magnet is being placed over her head.

Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of a person's life. Traditional treatments like therapy and medication have been effective for many, but they may not work for everyone. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy, offered at Live Well Psychiatry, is an innovative and non-invasive treatment that has shown promise in helping individuals find relief.

Live Well Psychiatry does TMS differently. Dr. Hoopes and our team are able to make sure that each patient receives the best treatment for them. We offer the most comfortable and effective treatment possible. That being said, below are the pros and cons to TMS therapy. 

Pros of TMS Therapy at Live Well Psychiatry

  1. Non-invasive and Safe: TMS therapy is a non-invasive procedure that does not require anesthesia or surgery. It's considered safe and has minimal side effects, making it an attractive option for those who want to avoid the risks associated with more invasive treatments.

  2. High Success Rates: As highlighted on Live Well Psychiatry's page about TMS therapy, this innovative treatment has demonstrated effectiveness in treating depression and other mood disorders, particularly when other treatments have failed. Many patients have reported significant improvements in their symptoms, providing hope for those who have been struggling with their mental health.

  3. Limited Side Effects: The most common side effects of TMS therapy are mild and temporary, such as mild headaches or scalp discomfort during treatment. This contrasts favorably with some traditional medications, which can have more significant and persistent side effects.

  4. Precise Targeting: TMS therapy precisely targets specific areas of the brain associated with mood regulation, offering a more targeted approach than medications that affect the entire brain.

  5. No Systemic Medication: TMS therapy doesn't involve systemic medication, reducing the risk of drug interactions and side effects associated with some antidepressants.

Cons of TMS Therapy at Live Well Psychiatry

  1. Cost: TMS therapy can be expensive, and insurance coverage may vary. However, when considering the long-term costs of ongoing therapy and medication, some individuals find TMS to be a cost-effective option. Also, our office offers several payment plans that help make the treatment more reasonable. 

  2. Time-Consuming: TMS therapy typically requires daily sessions for several weeks, which can be inconvenient for those with busy schedules. However, the time commitment often leads to better results.

  3. Variable Response: While Live Well Psychiatry's page on TMS therapy acknowledges that many patients experience significant improvements, not everyone responds to TMS therapy. It may not be a guaranteed solution for everyone, and results can vary from person to person.


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy at Live Well Psychiatry offers a promising alternative for individuals struggling with depression and other mood disorders. With its non-invasive nature, high success rates, and limited side effects, it's an attractive option for many. However, it's essential to consider the cost, time commitment, and the fact that it may not work for everyone.

If you've been searching for an effective, non-invasive treatment for your mental health concerns, TMS therapy at Live Well Psychiatry might be the solution you've been looking for. We invite you to schedule an appointment with Live Well Psychiatry to discuss your specific needs and determine whether TMS therapy is the right path to recovery for you. Your mental well-being is worth the exploration of this innovative and promising treatment option. Contact Live Well Psychiatry today to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

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